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Summer Schoolhouse

Summer Schoolhouse - CTS-2017SummerSchool
Summer Schoolhouse Part 1
Summer Schoolhouse Part 2
Price: $12.00

    Summer Schoolhouse – Lessons in Abecedarian

    All the projects are what the designer calls, “tiny work” & finished into smalls. All designs are worked on 28 count Mushroom Lugana, over 1 thread. Lugana is great fabric to do over 1 work on since the thread diameter is consistent. If you want to work on linen we are suggesting Cashel Clay, which is a similar color to the Mushroom.

    All six of the abecedarian-themed projects (released across 4 charts) coordinate and are designed to be placed together for a striking vignette of tiny hand work. It will be a fun summer of stitching!

    Each chart will be released at the end of June, July, August & September. Each of the 4 charts will be listed separately in the shopping cart when you add part 1.

    Cathe is doing her series with 1 strand of silk thread on 32 count Floba, stitched as tent stitch (or a half cross).Floba is an evenweave that looks a bit like a light raw linen. It even comes in 35 count if you want to make the projects even smaller! For the Floba, purchase a Stitcher's Quarter.

    These colors are based on the photos of the designs vs. what the project calls for. So they are in many cases, quite different.

    Week's Dye Works Sampler Threads
    Classic Colorworks
    Gloriana 12 strand silk
    Waterlilies Belle Soie Dinky Dyes
    Flat Fish 264 Wooly Bear

    287 Seaweed
    249 Flamingo
    Sandcastle 186 Birch Brown
    Lexington Green
    145 Blue Heron

    Mountain Mist
    250 Attic Blue
    Old Hickory
    212 Black Walnut

    Uniform Blue
    173 Pacific Blue Dark
    278 Salmonberry
    Cayenne 220 Cinnabar

    Egg Shell Oatmeal Scone
    Hazelnut 113
    Pebble Beach
    Use Brick 257 Coral Red

    The required fabric for all 4 lessons is Regular Quarter (9” X 54") which is enough fabric for finishing/backing, too. We do not normally sell this cut so you'll only find it available through this page. If you want to work on linen we are suggesting Cashel Clay, which is a similar color to the Lugana 28ct Mushroom.

    Click on the thread company names below to go to the order page for each type of thread. If you want to see our suggestions for silk threads, click on the Alternate Supplies tab.

    Thread required for this series are listed below (1 skein of each):

    Weeks Dye Works Floss

    • Flat Fish (1239)
    • Olive (2211)
    • Oscar (2197)
    • Peach (1131)
    • Sandcastle (1124)

    The Gentle Art Sampler Threads

    • Lexington Green (7040)
    • Mountain Mist (7045)
    • Old Hickory (7048)
    • Uniform Blue (7055)
    • Woodrose (7018)

    Classic Colorworks Cotton Floss

    • Cayenne
    • Egg Shell
    • Hazelnut
    • Pebble Beach
    • Used Brick

    Brenda used a 1/4in Ric-Rac trim for the edge of several of her smalls. You'll find 1/4in Birds Nest Ric-Rac from Lady Dot Creates in the Related Product below. One package is enough for all the projects.

    If you want to do the project in silk thread (and don't we all :-)) we have selected the threads below as "matches" to the cotton floss or in a couple of cases, slightly different colors to improve the pairings.

    If a color is listed in both Belle Soie and Dinky Dyes it means either one should work. Click on the title at the column to go to that thread's page.

    Week's Dye Works Sampler Threads
    Classic Colorworks
    Waterlilies Belle Soie Dinky Dyes
    Flat Fish
    287 Seaweed
    Peach Apricot
    Lexington Green Fern Frond 223
    Mountain Mist 070
    Ghost Gum

    Old Hickory
    Teddy Bear
    Uniform Blue 065
    Woodrose 074
    Red Dust
    Cayenne 305

    Egg Shell
    Oatmeal Scone 012
    Lemon Sherbert
    Hazelnut 113
    Pebble Beach
    Tumbleweed 191
    Stringy Bark
    Use Brick 203

    We are open Tue-Sat 11am-3:30pm PT. If you only want items we have in stock, please mark your order Ship Partial Cancel Incomplete Items.
    We hope you have a wonderful 2025!
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    We no longer ship orders to the UK if less than £135 (~$170USD) due to their VAT reporting requirements. As of 2025 we are no longer accepting orders shipped to EU countries due to their new GPSR rules. Contact us via e-mail to discuss any potential options.

    If you use the Save Cart feature, be sure your cart is empty when you retrieve/view the saved cart. It will over-ride what is in the existing cart.

    Please note that we do not charge for orders until we ship them. The checkout process will capture your information for us to use when we ship your order. As we do not have a real-time inventory system, please contact us at the shop if you need us to check if we have the items you need in stock if your order is urgent.

    Our time to pull orders is currently 2-3 business days. Do indicate any Deadline in the appropriate field..
    Our current shipping time for complete or partial orders is 2-4 business days once an order is ready to ship. .
    Needle In A Haystack