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Anna Tench 1811

Anna Tench
Anna Tench
Anna Tench
Anna Tench
Price: $32.00


    From Nicola...

    The moment we saw Anna’s sweet sampler we knew that Hands Across the Sea Samplers had to add her to their portfolio. Whilst acquired by Nicola in England, the sampler, which features two adorable young girls who are either twins or sisters very close in age, was destined for Australia as Sandra has two young granddaughters. Sandra has reproduced the original sampler for one of her granddaughters using the colours found today on the front of Anna’s sampler. This is the sampler that has been charted for you within the pages of this booklet.

    However, Sandra has also stitched a second version of Anna’s sampler for her other granddaughter. The two samplers are featured side by side in the centrefold of this booklet. The second version, although based on the first sampler, is an adaptation and uses a multitude of stitches: cross stitch over one and two linen threads, satin stitch, Algerian eyelet stitch, French knots, rice stitch, stem stitch, leaf stitch, two-sided plaited Spanish stitch, needle weaving (horizontal running stitch over one thread), brick stitch, Parisian stitch, long cross stitch, reverse tent stitch, daisy stitch, back stitch, alternating half cross stitch over one thread of linen and straight gobelin stitch. As Sandra plied her needle she felt that Anna was beside her whispering suggestions for each motif. If you listen carefully Anna may whisper to you, too!

    The sampler was charted with Au Ver à Soie® Soie d’Alger silks, although DMC is  provided as an optional thread.


    The model was stitched on Lakeside Linen Pecan Butter.

    The design area is 266 stitches (w) x 301 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3” margin for finishing and framing.

    32ct: Design: 16.63″ x 18.81″ Fabric: 22.63″ x 24.81″   (cut size SH 27x36)

    36ct: Design: 14.78″ x 16.72″ Fabric: 20.78″ x 22.72″   (cut size SH 27x36)

    40ct: Design: 13.30″ x 15.05″ Fabric: 19.30″ x 21.05″(cut size SQ 18x27 w/2" margin)

    46ct: Design: 11.57″ x 13.09″ Fabric: 17.57″ x 19.09″   (cut size SQ 18x29.5)

    Lakeside Pecan Butter or Vintage Pecan Butter comes in several counts. For 37 count Legacy Corn Tassel is a good option. 

    Anna’s endearing sampler has been reproduced with Au Ver à Soie d’Alger silks and the skein quantities calculated based on 1 strand on 36ct fabric. We have provided conversions for DMC based on 2 strands on 36ct linen.

    The sampler is stitched mainly in cross stitch over 2 linen threads with a small amount of cross stitch over 1 linen thread. The sampler is suitable for needle workers of all levels of ability.

    Soie d’Alger/ DMC

    516 x 1 / 937 x 1 ~ Avocado green medium

    526 x 1 / 829 x 1 ~ Golden olive very dark

    622 x 1 / 744 x 1 ~ Yellow pale

    922 x 1 / 352 x 1 ~ Coral light

    1712 x 1 / 3752 x 1 ~ Antique blue very light

    1713 x 1 / 931 x 1 ~ Antique blue medium

    2145 x 1 / 730 x 1 ~ Olive green very dark

    2756 x 1 / 927 x 1 ~ Grey green light

    2911 x 1 / 948 x 1 ~ Peach very light

    2913 x 2 / 353 x 2 ~ Peach

    2921 x 1 / 3801 x 1 ~ Christmas red light

    3011 x 1 / 3716 x 1 ~ Dusty rose very light

    3221 x 1 / 762 x 1 ~ Pearl grey very light

    3441 x 2 / 415 x 2 ~ Pearl grey

    3442 x 2 / 318 x 2 ~ Steel grey light

    3444 x 1 / 414 x 1 ~ Steel grey dark

    3714 x 1 / 3364 x 1 ~ Pine green

    3833 x 2 / 371 x 2 ~ Mustard

    3842 x 1 / 644 x 1 ~ Beige grey medium

    4096 x 1 / 5200 x 1 ~ Snow white

    4098 x 1 3865 x 1 ~ Winter white

    4113 x 1 / 841 x 1 ~ Beige brown light

    4141 x 1 / 3772 x 1 ~ Desert sand very dark

    4213 x 1 / 3826 x 1 ~ Golden brown

    4541 x 1 / 950 x 1 ~ Desert sand light

    4516 x 1 / 433 x 1 ~ Brown medium

    4526 x 1 / 801 x 1 ~ Coffee brown dark

    4632 x 1 / 3727 x 1 ~ Antique mauve light

    4633 x 1 / 316 x 1 ~ Antique mauve medium

    Noir x 1 / 310 x 1 ~ Black

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    Needle In A Haystack