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Harriett Salt

Harriett Salt 1866
Harriett Salt 1866
Harriett Salt 1866
Harriett Salt 1866
Price: $33.00


    Harriett Salt 1866 - Bristol Orphan sampler

    See Nicola's website for a wonderful story on Harriett and her samplers.

    The sampler was charted with Au Ver à Soie® Soie d’Alger silks.


    The design area is 414 x 41 stitches. The original was stitched on a 56 count linen (Kingston) close to DMC 738. Our suggestions are below.

    Our calculations have included a 3” margin for finishing and framing with it stitched over-two.

    32ct - Design: 26" x 26" Fabric: 32" x 32" (cut size Regular Yard 36x54)

    37ct - Design: 22.3″ x 22.3″ Fabric: 28.3″ x 28.3″ (cut size Stitcher's Half 36x35.5)

    40ct – Design: 21" x 21″ Fabric: 29″ x 29″ (cut size Stitcher's Half 36x27 with 2" margin, otherwise you'll need a regular yard 36x54)

    46ct - Design: 18" x 18" Fabric: 24" x 24" (cut size Stitcher's Half 36x29.5)

    55ct - Design: 15.3" x 15.3" Fabric: 21.3" x 21x3" (cut size Stitcher's Half 36x36)
              * The Zweigart fabrics in this range are 72" wide
    53/63ct - Design: 16" x 13.5" Fabric: 22" x 19.5" (cut size Stitcher's Quarter 36x29.5)

    You will find hand-dyed fabric options listed below (click on the name to go the fabric catalog as well as denser count linens. You could also do it on a cream linen 32, 36 or 40 count you don't want to use a hand-dyed fabric. You could also useFabric photos with a close DMC color are below.

    Most of the linens above 50 count are not even and every mill run can mean a slightly different count. So one color of Kingston might come to out 52/54 and another 53/60. Keep in mind that samplers of this time frame and this density would not have been stitched on an even count fabric and that is part of their charm.

    Stitch count 413 x 414 stitched on linen close to DMC 738. Model was stitched on 56 count hand-dyed linen with Soie 100/3 681.

    We recommend using Soie Surfine for anything above 50 count. A photo below shows how it looks on the 53/60 Kingston we tested. If you want a very dense cross stitch, use 100/3 but if you want it to be finer, use Soie Surfine (130/2)

    Soie d'Alger - 2 hanks of 2924 on 36, 37 or 40 count (1 strand)

    Soie 100/3 - 9 spools of 109, 499 on 664 (sub for 681) or 46 count (1 strand) 

    Soie Surfine - 5 spools of 2109, 2499 or 2681 52/60 , 53/63 count (1 strand)

    DMC floss - 16 skeins of 321 on 36 count (2 strands). If you work this on 32 count increase the quantity to 19 or 20 skeins of the same color.

    You can find silk packs we have made up for each of these in our online thread catalog.

    100/3 & Surfine color matches to DMC:

    • 109 / 815
    • 499 / 304 (a bit lighter and less pink)
    • 681 / 304 & 321 (between them)

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